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Land Degradation
Extreme Climate

Remote & off-grid agriculture conservation

Challenge Background

We experience severe land degradation, which is intensified due to trees cutting to clear space for agriculture, and cultivation of one or two varieties. In Africa, about 62% of the population is rural and dependent on nature (IPBES, 2018), hence the importance of agriculture-based income in rural areas. Farmers are conserving and processing tools and techniques to solve the problem of selling the products as most of them are in remote areas. In addition, addressing the conditions of the food value chain by facilitating processing and conservation systems will support farmers' ability to increase their income.

What we are looking for

Processing and conservation technologies to allow small-scale farmers to maintain and be able to sell their agricultural produce. As small scale farmers really suffer from the loss of their agricultural products due to the lack of tools and techniques for conservation and processing.

Solution criteria

Sustainable agriculture : agri-tech + agro-ecology
Alternative livelihoods for people
Nature based Solution
Easy to Handle by communities
off grid energy

What we offer

Implementation of new technologies, co-design new models for operation



The CNEDD is the national body in Niger for the coordination and monitoring of activities relating to the Post-Rio conventions (UNFCCC, UNCBD, UNCCD) and their protocols as well as any other convention that it may subscribe to in this area. It is the national political focal point for monitoring the implementation of these conventions.



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