Challenge Background
What we are looking for
Facilitating mass production of quality and disease free planting materials for the major dryland crops and trees. Plant tissue Culture Protocols for major dryland plant species: date palm, Yeheb (Cordeauxia edulis), Physic nut ( Jatropha curcas ) and other dryland tree species.
Solution criteria
Cost effective and able to be reproduced in different laboratories
What we offer
We offer working space, research field, laboratory facilities (bench), office facilities, basic salary and other relevant assistance.

Bio and Emerging Technology institute (BETin), is a government organization in Ethiopia, established in June 2016. It's main purpose is conducting, leading and coordinating national effort on biotechnologies and emerging technology research and development in the firld of agriculture. The institute aims to help Ethiopian crop, livestock and microbial industries and improve productivity towards food security, increased income and sustainable production systems in the country.
